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Bloguera fitness indica que la grasa acumulada en el vientre es “completamente normal”

Muchas mujeres hacen de todo para tener el vientre plano. Sin embargo, esta bloguera de fitness nos ha demostrado que la grasa que se acumulada en el abdomen es “completamente normal”.

En su cuenta de Instagram, Sarah Putho compartió mensajes que nos ayuda a aceptar nuestro físico. Ella publicó estas dos fotografías en donde explicaba lo siguiente: “A la izquierda, estoy sentada contrayendo los músculos con todas mis fuerzas y a la derecha estoy sentada y relajada”.


Flexing vs relaxing ??? On the left I’m laying down and flexing as hard as I possibly can and on the right I’m just sitting and chilling ☺️ I know so many people want to have flat toned tummies. Instagram is filled with posts of toned, lean, flat tummies, but what you don’t know is that they don’t look like that 24/7. You can love fitness and workout tons and still have fat! As I’ve said before, fat is a completely normal thing to have!! So don’t feel like you’re not doing enough or that you should get rid of it if you have fat or tummy rolls when you sit down because it’s completely normal! Having these things does not make you less attractive, it just means your a person with a body that does what bodies are supposed to do. All bodies are different and will look different sitting down (or doing anything) so there’s no point in comparing your body to someone else’s. you have an amazing body that you should be so proud of!! So go out there and next time you feel ashamed or vulnerable about your body, don’t, because you are beautiful no matter what! I hope you all have a lovely Monday and a great start to the week!! ?☀️ —————————————— . . . #lawofattraction #bodypositivity #progressnotperfection #beforeandafter #bodyimage #mondaymotivation #flexing #bikinibody #beachbody #calvinklein #bodyfat #vegan #vegansofig #girlswholift #girlswithmuscle #weightlifting #bbg #selflove #youarebeautiful #veganfitness #motivation #fitnessmotivation #sweatwithkayla #honesty #screwthescale #weightlossjourney #beyou #beconfident #selfconfidence #embraceyourself

Una publicación compartida de Sara Puhto (@saggysara) el

Además, indica que “muchas personas tienen el vientre tonificado. Por ejemplo, Instagram está lleno de fotos de vientres planos, tonificados y esbeltos, sin embargo, lo no sabemos es que esos cuerpos no tienen ese aspecto las 24 horas del día”. Ella indica que uno puede seguir haciendo ejercicio y continuar teniendo grasa.

En una de sus publicaciones, señala que es normal tener grasa y que por eso no hay que sentirnos como si nos hubiéramos hecho lo suficiente para eliminarla por completo. Además, señala que cada cuerpo es diferente y todos deberíamos estar orgulloso del suyo.


Self care ?? If I flex really hard and am in great lighting I have 3/4ths of an ab ? As I’ve been on holiday, I’ve been eating everything I’ve wanted because I visited a new country and found so much delicious new vegan food to try! I didn’t want to restrict myself from eating these foods because I don’t get these kinds of foods here in South Africa so obviously I had to enjoy it while I could!! I regret nothing, even though I have gained a bit of fat and have been breaking out on my face! But since I’m back in South Africa now I’ve decided to indulge in a bit of self care to get myself back into a positive and healthy way of living. Today I’ve already done my eyebrows, put on a face mask and made myself feel all dolled up by putting on a bit of red lipstick ☺️ Also I’m gonna get back into my usual workout routine and eating a lot healthier than I used to. This doesn’t mean I’m going to fully cut out junk food, I’m just going to eat more intuitively! If you’re also going through fat gain and feeling sluggish due to a bit of overeating of junk food, please don’t beat yourself up. That’s the last thing you need! Just stay positive, keep loving your body, and practice self love so that you can start making your body feel better! Whether that’s eating healthier, working out or just throwing on a face mask and taking a bit of me time ☺️ you never need to feel bad about fat gain, it’s a thing that happens to everyone and is reversible if that’s what you want! ☺️ Just be patient, keep positive and put in the effort! I hope you all have a lovely Monday and a great start to the week! ?☀️

Una publicación compartida de Sara Puhto (@saggysara) el

Esta bloguera siempre comparte mensajes inspiradores que ayudan a aceptarnos tal como somos. Además, asegura que nunca deberíamos frustrarnos por engordar.

Por último, ella nos comparte este mensaje: “Sean positivos, acepten su cuerpo y practiquen el amor propio para empezar a sentirse mejor físicamente”.

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