Esta madre transforma viejas prendas en impresionantes outfits

Esta madre se ha convertido en toda una sensación luego de transformar sus viejas prendas en trajes a la moda para sus dos hijas. Incluso ha remodelado un vestido de novias.

Sus remodelaciones han sido realizadas con prendas de personas que no la utilizaban. Entonces Sarah Tyau, la madre talentosa, ha creado desde vestidos hasta bolsos.

Estas impresionantes transformaciones están siendo muy populares en Salt Lake City, Utah. Además, Sarah de 33 años, tiene más de 50,000 seguidores en Instragram y se ha ganado la admiración de sus dos pequeñas hijas: Adi de 9 años y Ana de 8.

Sarah comenzó a remodelar ropa desde hace seis años, cuando su hija Adi quedó encantada de una de sus faldas. Ella puede transformar prendas desaliñadas en trajes a la medida de la persona. Su objetivo es remodelar un conjunto por semana. Además, comparte sus tutoriales en Youtube. En este canal, comparte algunas técnicas básicas de costura.

Ella indica que casi el 85% de las fábricas textiles desperdician telas. Sin embargo, ella usa esas telas para transformarlas en sorprendentes outfits.

Dentro de poco, Sarah tiene planeado comenzar su propia línea de ropa. Por medio de esta iniciativa, la talentosa diseñadora puede ayudar progresivamente a los niños en necesidad. A ella le gusta cuidar el medio ambiente, hacer cosas únicas que nadie más ha hecho, y vemos que su visión se está volviendo una realidad.Estas son algunas de sus creaciones.

1. De este vestido desaliñado a este vestido a la medida.


I wore this dress I refashioned today & realized it’s Cinco De Mayo! See the tutorial on my blog, link in bio. It’s a photo/written tutorial but would you like me to do a video tutorial as well? Let me know in the comments if you do! . Today was my oldest’s half birthday and a Korean holiday, Children’s Day. Growing up in Korea, it was my favorite holiday since there was no school, there were celebrations and parties for kids all day, so I celebrate it with my kids by doing a fun activity + eat ice-cream for dinner(see on my story)! We also drove around for 30 mins. around our neighborhood with my 3 kids peeping out of our sun roof and they thought it was the best thing ever. It was no esta bien for me because one of them or all three, taking turns, kept farting! With their butts right by my face!??? _____________________________________________________________ Remember I was suppose to post a Refashion Revision video on Thursday but that didn’t happen so I tried to post it today instead? Yeah, that didn’t happen either. But it will be up tomorrow!

Una publicación compartida de YouTube | Sewing | Blogger (@sarahtyau) el

2. Otra manera de estar a la moda.

3. Incluso ha diseñado este bolso.

4. Y ha remodelado esta camiseta en este vestido.


You guys loved my XL men’s shirt into a girls dress so here’s another one! A XL men’s shirt ➡️ girls crop top + skirt. I turned the fabric around and had the buttons in the back of the crop top & the skirt, and the pleats in the front of the top. Not pictured but I also made a headband using the collar, the collar just happened to be the same exact circumference as my girl’s head! See the tutorial at ➡️ click on Refashion Runway _____________________________________________________________ • My weekly sewing series will launch this Thursday 2 p.m! Until I get enough content for the mother/daughter series, I’ll be showing you my refashions and Thrift Revision episodes. I’m so humbled and grateful that I haven’t even officially launched my channel yet and I have over 600+ subscribers, thank you so much, it means so much to me! If you haven’t subscribed, I’d love for you to at or link in bio. . . . • I’ll be speaking at @saltldsretreat on a topic «When You Don’t Like Being a Mom» in March. Have any of you bought tickets? I hope to see some of you there! #sarahsDIY

Una publicación compartida de YouTube | Sewing | Blogger (@sarahtyau) el

5. Esta camisa también pasó por el proceso de la moda.


This week has been my lucky week, I’ve been featured in 3 big sites, the first is by Make and Takes FB group with almost 1/2 million followers for this $10 @target clearance-find XL men’s shirt ➡️ Girl’s shirtdress. So honored to be featured, they posted this at 2 am and it still received over 316 shares. Thank you so much!❤️ See the tutorial on the blog, direct link in profile or _____________________________________________________________ A question for you, I want to giveaway a «Seamstress Starter Kit» for the launch of my YT channel with everything you’d need to get started in sewing and what item do you wish you had/glad you had when you started sewing? A favorite brand of scissors? A cutting mat? I’d love to get ideas for my giveaway! #sarahsDIY

Una publicación compartida de YouTube | Sewing | Blogger (@sarahtyau) el

6. Este vestido muy holgado en uno a la medida.

7. Incluso ha remodelado este vestido de novia.


Refashion Runway week 5 challenge: BOHO-CHIC. I got this vintage wedding dress and dyed it from white to cream, took out tons of tulle underneath, cut off the lace sleeves and the collar & neckline, cut the dress to below the knee length and used that extra fabric to make sleeves and the neckline, altered the waist/chest smaller, and used the beaded lace from the neckline to make the headband. This was by far the most controversial challenge in the history of Refashion Runway because many people didn’t think it was boho-chic.?? I didn’t even know what boho-chic was so I googled and a bunch of cream lace dresses appeared so I thought I was good! If I could go back, I would have put my hair in beachy waves, made the headband an elastic headband instead and put it across my forehead and been barefoot. So many people said they wouldn’t vote for me because it wasn’t boho-chic so I didn’t think I’d win this challenge and was pretty bummed because at this point in the competition, I had tied with 2 others in week 2 challenge and won week 4, but lost week 1 and week 3, so I needed to win this week and the next week’s challenge in order to have a chance at winning. So it came as a total shock when I ended up winning this challenge! Do you think it’s boho-chic, yes or no?

Una publicación compartida de YouTube | Sewing | Blogger (@sarahtyau) el

8. En su cuenta de Instragram, comparte todas sus creaciones.


What do you think of this refashion? ?? or ??? Do you think I made the right choice by dyeing it yellow? See the tutorial on YT || link in bio. #sarahsDIY

Una publicación compartida de YouTube | Sewing | Blogger (@sarahtyau) el

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Esta madre transforma viejas prendas en impresionantes outfits

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